29th Symposium of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction

Chateau Liblice
13-15 October 2024

Address: Liblice 61, 277 32 Liblice, Czechia

Conference scope

SBIR (Symposium of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction) has been running for 25 years, under the management of doc. RNDr. Jana Pěknicová, CSc., and Prof. MUDr. Zdenka Ulčová-Gallová, DrSc. Since 2021 the conference is organized by doc. Dr. Kateřina Komrsková, Ph.D., head of the Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The goal of the SBIR conference is to build a platform for researchers, medical doctors, immunologists, andrologists, gynaecologist, and other scientists interested in reproduction, assisted reproduction, and reproduction related topics. We provide a forum, where everybody can share their research progress and ideas in a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere. This conference is opened to researchers, both senior and junior, clinicians, and students. We encourage both oral presentations and poster sessions, based on your preference. The goal of the SBIR conference is to broaden both our national and international communities and expand knowledge in the biology and immunology of reproduction. Feel free to share this information with your friends, students, and colleagues.

Previous conference 2023


Chateaux Liblice is a conference centre of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. The romantic setting of the chateaux is sure to stimulate your senses. A walk through our castle garden and meadow will certainly help revitalise your energy.

Chateaux rooms

Take advantage of the unique opportunity of accommodation in our chateaux where the rooms are furnished by original furniture from the 19th Century. In chateaux Liblice we will help you relax in privacy, with unforgettable moments, and a unique experience.

Depandance rooms

These are our standard rooms. They are located in the buildings next to the castle and they are furnished with modern furniture.

Invited speakers

Dr. Christiane Pleuger, Ph.D

Title of the lecture: A balancing act between tolerance and defense: The multifaceted role of resident immune cells within the murine epididymis.

Dr. Christiane Pleuger is a principal investigator/ project leader within the Reproductive Biology Group, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Justus-Liebig-University (JLU) Giessen, Germany. Her research is focussing on the immune regulation within the epididymis that is essential to create a tolerant environment for proper sperm maturation while maintaining the capacity to mount efficient immune responses towards ascending pathogens. Using transgenic and experimental mouse models, she is assessing the impact of particular resident immune cell populations on the immunological equilibrium across the organ.

After completing her binational doctoral studies at the JLU Giessen, Germany and the Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, she started her postdoctoral research in the group of Prof. Andreas Meinhardt (JLU Giessen) in 2019. Since 2022, she coordinates her own research grants and projects as junior research group leader. Her work has been recognized with several distinctions, among them the Young-Investigator-Award of the von-Behring-Roentgen-Foundation (Marburg, Germany) as well as the Dr.-Herbert-Stolzenberg-Award of the JLU, Giessen (Germany).

PharmDr. Zuzana Holubcová, Ph.D.

Title of the lecture: Exploring human oocyte spindle dynamics: from bench to bedside.

Dr. Zuzana Holubcová is a principal investigator and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. She is also scientific advisor at the assisted reproduction clinic Reprofit International (Brno, Czech Republic) - member of FutureLife international consortium. Her research interest covers multiple aspects of human oocyte and embryo development, including investigation of human oocytes´ ultrastructure, spindle dynamics, embryo microenvironment, morphokinetic parameters of human embryo development, and developing protocols for generating embryo-like structures from stem cells.

The academia-clinical-industry partnership Dr. Holubcová established enables her to run both basic science and translational research projects. She authored over 20 peer-reviewed publications in scientific and clinical journals, including original research articles, methodological papers, a case report, and a review paper. She aims to bridge the gap between academia and clinics by promoting the practical application of research findings, implementing innovative techniques, and advocating for evidence-based decision-making in clinical settings. She was awarded a Neuron Fund Prize, L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award and ESHRE prize for basic science.






doc. Dr. Kateřina Komrsková, Ph.D.

   Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Sciences


Dr. Dominik Filipp. Ph.D.

   Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Deadline: 15 September 2024

Academic / Medical / Private sector 5000 CZK or 200 euro including the tax. Student registration 2500 CZK or 100 euro including the tax. Registration fee includes full entrance to the conference, printed abstract book, 2x lunch, coffee breaks, 1x dinner, 1x gala dinner with live music. Partial registration on one day only is possible upon request.

Abstract instructions (see template):
Note: The abstract will be printed as submitted
Language: English
Fond: Times New Romans, letter size 12
Title: in bold
Names of the authors: Surname1 First Name1A, Surname2 First Name2B,….
Presenting author: underlined
Affiliation: in italics
Body of the abstract total length: maximum 350 words
Please note that participants must pay their registration fee by 1.10.2024 or their registration will be cancelled.

Cancellation policy:
Cancelling your registration before 1.9.2024 cancellation fee 0 %
Cancelling your registration before 1.10.2024 cancellation fee 50 %
Cancelling your registration from 1.10.2024 cancellation fee 100 %

Poster preparation
Please prepare your poster in portrait format, size 100 x 70 cm.
All posters will be briefly introduced at the beginning of the corresponding poster session.
Please note that your poster will be part of the abstract book in the form of a mini poster (A4). Submit your mini posters in PNG or JPG format by 1 September 2024.

The presentation type is on you. You can choose which type of presentation suits you the best. This year, we will have three types of presentations:
· 15 min presentation + 5 min discussion
· Language: English
· Presentation format: PowerPoint or PDF

Flash talk:
· 3 minutes presentation + 2 minutes discussion
· Language: English.

· Portrait view: 100 x 70 cm.
· Mini-poster A4 PDF file, to be included in the abstract book
· 1 min oral presentation at the beginning of the poster section to invite the audience to visit the poster
· Language: English.

 Academic / Medical / Private sector  Student
 Yes, I will book accommodation myself  No, I don't need accommodation
 Oral  Flash talk  Poster  No presentation
 Yes  No
By submitting your registration your agree with the rules for protection of personal data as defined here.
Liblice Chateau
Liblice 61
277 32 Liblice

GPS: 50.3117617N, 14.5864258E

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